Anatomy of a Servable service
Project structure
├── index.js
├── app
├── ├── ...
├── protocols
├── ├── ...
├── servable.config.js
├── .env
└── package.json
- The servable config is servable.config.js
- The servable app entry point is index.js
- The app protocol is in /app
- The local protocols are in /protocols
Anatomy of a protocol
Any protocol respects the following root folder structure:
┌── main.js
├── target
├──── class
├──── triggers
├── schema
├── config
├── models
├── jobs
├── seed
├── services
├── lib
├── assets
├── docs
├── livemodels.js
└── main.json
System design of a full-fledged local servable app
A fully functional servable deployment will use a few other components to run alongside a main servable app. These components are installed and run automatically when using the quick start CLI command. They are defined in the app protocol system's docker-compose file.
Servable service
The actual servable app Mandatory
Servable dashboard
Servable Dashboard is a standalone dashboard for managing Servable services.
- Create, edit and delete schema (not available with Servable)
- Create, edit and delete security rules (not available with Servable)
- Create, edit and delete data
Github Optional
App database
The mongodb or PostGreSQL database Mandatory
Mandatory An S3 like bucket server for storing files
Utils database
An utilitary database used by the arbiter to store migration status and current instances Mandatory
Redis cache
Live Query Server